Enhance Mobility and Range with Stretch and Instrumented Tool Massage 

When muscle tightness hides deep in the tissue, stretching with instrumented tool massage can address it and improve mobility and overall relief. If you have restrictions and tightness that aren’t healing with traditional treatments, this might be the solution you seek.

How Does Instrumented Tool Massage Work?

Instrumented tool massage uses a specialized tool to address problems in the deeper tissue that the therapist cannot reach using hands alone. Often, scar tissue in this area can lead to a lack of mobility, even after an injury or issue has healed. When coupled with stretching routines, instrumented tool massage can improve your results or speed up your healing.

Instrumented tool massage gives the provider a greater ability to feel areas of scar tissue or adhesion. The instrument will detect them with greater accuracy than bare hands, and this allows the practitioner to better tailor and target the therapy. All of this leads to better results for the patient.

Benefits of Stretch Treatment with Instrumented Tool Massage

Combining our stretch routine with this deep-tissue massage brings several benefits. The biggest benefit is breaking down the scar tissue so you can heal and regain your flexibility. The treatment also promotes local microcirculation in the affected area. Adding more blood flow sends oxygen and nutrients to the injured area. Added blood, oxygen, and nutrients promote healing, allowing the tissue to regenerate and repair itself.

This healing leads to an enhanced range of motion and flexibility. Many patients experience pain reduction as well. Less pain and greater mobility mean improved results for patients with chronic issues.

If you are interested in learning more aboutdeep tissue mobilization therapy in Wichita, KS, using instrumented tool massage, reach out to the team at Stretch Wichita today.

Stretching for IT Band Syndrome

Iliotibial band syndrome, or IT band syndrome, can cause significant pain down the leg and into the knee. Fortunately, there are stretches that can help you feel better and get relief. At Stretch Wichita, we offer support with stretching for IT band syndrome in Wichita, KS.

What Is IT Band Syndrome?

IT band syndrome affects the iliotibial band (IT band). That thick band of tissue runs between the hip and shin, but it can become irritated as a result of the overuse of the knee(s).

How Can Stretching Relieve IT Band Syndrome?

Stretching can help relieve the pain of IT band syndrome by improving your flexibility and your overall range of motion. By doing so, the muscles around the tendon loosen, helping reduce inflammation and irritation.

Stretches you can use for IT band syndrome include:

  • The iliotibial band stretch: Standing next to a wall on the leg affected by IT band syndrome, cross the other leg over it. Let the affected hip drop into a stretch. Keep your body against the wall, and slowly lean away from it to feel the stretch. Hold the stretch for up to 30 seconds for a set of four.
  • The hamstring stretch: In a doorway, lie flat. Then, raise one leg against the wall, straightening the knee but not pointing the toes. Allow a light stretch down the back of the legs — hold the stretch for up to a minute.

Get Help With Iliotibial Band Syndrome With Stretch Wichita in Wichita, KS

Getting help with stretching can get you on track to healing and stopping the pain of IT band syndrome. Visit us online at Stretch Wichita in Wichita, KS, to learn more about stretching for IT band syndrome and scheduling a full-body stretch.

The 3 Major Points of Perfect Posture

People with poor posture in Wichita, KS, usually know it, and they likely have a lot of reasons for it. From stress to schedules to tasks, daily life isn’t always conducive to maintaining the best position. In addition, perfect posture isn’t quite as simple as pulling your shoulders back and sitting up a little taller. In fact, to a stretching coach in Wichita, KS, it’s a far more complex endeavor. We’ll look at the major points to know and how you can achieve them.

1. Movement Is Key

Movement is like the great equalizer. It won’t solve a lifetime of poor posture, per se, but it can help you balance out the stress that you might be putting on your body over the course of the day. Are you likely to hang your head down while you text? Slouch in your seat? Exercising can help all of that. If you’re not sure where to start, stretch exercises in Wichita, KS, can help.

2. Don’t Push It

The reality is that sitting straight up can aggravate certain conditions, like sciatic pain. Your goal is not to push your body into pain, it’s to train it to feel good while sitting and standing correctly. If you’re having problems with posture, putting more pressure on your body simply isn’t going to help.

3. A Specialist in Wichita, KS, Can Help

There are numerous ways for the right stretching center can help you get your posture back on track. The most important benefit is that they can help you find and maintain the right posture while drastically reducing the odds of injury. If you’re looking for a place that will treat your body with the same care and respect that you do, contact the professionals at Stretch Wichita today.

5 Benefits of Stretching

Stretching can do wonders for your mind and body. From boosting circulation to reducing stress, these movements can be very effective. Here are five more advantages of stretching:

Prevent Injury

Stretching is a great way to loosen up the muscles before activity. It can help prevent cramps, sprains, and other injuries. Stretching promotes more blood flow to your muscles, allowing them to work at their best.

Boost Flexibility

This is arguably the leading advantage of stretching. Increased flexibility not only helps during physical activity, but it can also improve your everyday life. Furthermore, this increased movement may delay the reduced mobility that usually happens with aging.

Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is something we all experience. It happens in our bodies when we eat certain foods, fight illnesses, and experience injuries. Just a few simple stretches daily can put up a strong fight against inflammation.

If you want to learn more about reducing inflammation through stretching, contact Stretch Wichita today for the most trusted stretching services in Wichita, KS!

Improve Mobility

Another perk of stretching is that it improves the movement in your joints, which increases your range of motion. This may lead to better mobility. Some experts believe static and dynamic stretches are the most effective for improving movement.

Lower Stress

Aside from physical advantages, stretching can also be very beneficial for your stress levels. These movements help to soothe tense muscles, which is common when feeling stressed. Our muscles can tense up when experiencing all sorts of physical or emotional stressors.

Stretch Wichita

Whether it’s stress or inflammation, these issues can greatly impact your health and well-being. To learn more about our stretching services, contact Stretch Wichita today! We’re happy to have the leading strength and flexibility coach in Wichita, KS!


