How to Use a Massage Gun

Several different products exist for improving your health. One device that’s gaining in popularity is a massage gun. These innovative tools can ease sore muscles, reduce pain, and speed up recovery after exercise.

If you want to take advantage of these benefits, we encourage you to contact the experts at Stretch Wichita. Our team offers professional stretching services, instrumented tool massage, compression therapy, and massage gun treatment in Wichita, KS! Contact us today to make an appointment!

Aside from professional treatment, you can also use a massage gun at home. In this post, we’ll discuss how to use these devices properly.

Step One — Choose Where to Use Device

Remember that massage guns are designed to be used on muscles and soft tissue. To start the process, choose where you want to use the device.

Step Two — Attach Preferred Massage Head

Most devices come with various massage heads that serve different purposes. With the average massage gun, you’ll have the following options:

  • Ball/spherical head
  • Fork/U-head
  • Bullet head
  • Flathead

Choosing the right massage head depends on the muscles you’re targeting.

Step Three — Power On Device

After attaching the desired massage head, turn the device away from your body.

Step Four — Choose the Lowest Intensity Setting

It’s encouraged to start at the lowest level to allow your body to adjust to the pressure. Your muscles can tense up if you start at higher speeds.

Step Five — Place Massage Head Over Muscle

Next, place the massage gun on your body to touch the top layer of your skin. To prevent injury or bruising, avoid pushing the device too deep into your muscles.

A massage gun can be a great addition to your recovery toolbox. If you want to learn how to use these devices from a professional, make an appointment today with our trusted stretch coach in Wichita, KS!