The Many Benefits of a Full Body Stretch

Do you struggle with chronic pain that does not seem to respond to medication? Afull-body stretch in Wichita can help. As you can tell by the name of our company, Stretch Wichita, we are firm believers in the benefits of full-body stretches.

What Does a Full Body Stretch Entail?

A typical full-body stretch lasts 30 minutes and focuses on stretching all your major muscle groups. Your stretch coach grabs each of your legs by the foot, pulls your legs forward, and then repeats this process with your arms.

While it may feel uncomfortable at the time, stretching your muscles regularly improves flexibility and diminishes muscle tightness. Below are brief descriptions of these and other benefits of a full-body stretch session.

Improved range of motion

Have you ever experienced reaching for something above your head and being unable to lift your arm all the way? If so, you have problems with range of motion. Stretching your stiff muscles and eliminating discomfort can significantly improve the problem.

Stress relief

The process of pushing your body to its limits often results in a sense of calmness that you did not feel before the appointment. The maneuvers made by your stretch coach encourage your body to enter a state of mindfulness and deep breathing. Although you may have come in to relieve physical pain, you will also experience a new sense of emotional calm.

Improved flexibility

Aging and sedentary lifestyles can both lead to stiffness throughout your body. Stretching those muscles helps to make them more flexible, allowing you to live your life without pain.

These are just some of the benefits of afull-body stretch in Wichita, Kansas. Please schedule a consultation to learn more about this promising procedure