How Stretching Can Help with Back Pain

When you are dealing with something like back pain, professional stretching services in Wichita, KS may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, stretching can actually be highly beneficial for certain types of back pain and discomfort. Take a look at a few ways stretching may help you overcome your issues with back pain below.

Take the pressure off of impacted nerves

The spinal column is surrounded by a complex system of nerves. In some cases, inflammation due to lacking blood flow can cause undue stress on some of these nerves that radiate from the spine, which can lead to pain. Stretching may encourage blood flow and reduce inflammation, which in turn may decrease pressure on sensitive nerves.

Alleviate muscle tension

Back pain can stem from a number of places. However, some types of pain in the back stem from basic tension in the muscles. This tension (also known as muscular rigidity) can occur with repeated strain on certain muscle groups, but stretching may help. The muscles grow tense because they are in a constant state of contraction, and this can be painful. Stretching can help the contracted muscles decompress. In turn, you may experience some relief.

Improve flexibility to avoid overworking certain muscles

Stretching may also work well as a preventative measure when it comes to back pain. When your muscular system is eased and flexible, your muscles work together to help you move. You are less likely to put a strain on other areas of your back to compensate, which means you are less likely to experience back pain.

Find Out More About Stretching Solutions in Wichita

Stretching has so many excellent benefits for the musculoskeletal system, especially when stretching sessions in Wichita are led by a professional. Reach out to the team at Stretch Wichita to discuss our services.